
Fasting is only to be done by those who are very sick, drug-damaged or diseased.  This is NOT a suggested method for the Average Joe.  It’s very intense and requires supervision by medical professionals.

When I use the term fasting, I’m mean taking in nothing but water over an extended period of time.  During this period, you do nothing but rest.  After a certain amount of time without food, it’s really all you can do.

The Practice of fasting is an ancient one.  It’s also a completely natural one.  Did you ever notice when an animal is sick or injured, they stop taking in any food and just find someplace quiet to rest?  Or when you are sick, or have a cold, you have no appetite?  There is a reason for this….

When your body is trying to fix itself, via a cold, flu, etc, it needs all of its internal energy to do so.  Digestion is biologically expensive, taking up to 50% of the body’s energy needs.  When sick, or in otherwise ill health, your appetite suffers because at that current time, your body cannot afford the energy of digestion, so it shuts down your appetite.

When you are under duress, your body needs all available energy to give you the push you need to get better.  By withholding food, you free up vast reserves of this energy to be used for the task at hand.  Whether this task is helping you get over that infection you have, or something more menacing, the extra energy goes into healing, or reversing a chronic condition.

While fasting, it all comes down to drinking plenty of clean water, and resting.  That’s it.  Sounds simple, but it’s far from it.  Especially in today’s culture where people think they’re going to die because they missed lunch.  Going for days without food can seem almost impossible.  It really is an exercise in mind over matter.

Because of this, water fasting is something that should be done in a medically supervised setting.  It helps to have people around you that understand what your body is going through and can assure you that what you are experiencing is normal.  Regular bloodwork and monitoring of vitals should also help you understand that you’re doing well during the fast.

I’ve done several fasts.  My very first one was for 14 days and the next three were 21 days each, on nothing but pure water.  These were done over a period of 5 years.  Even though I’ve done several extended fasts,  I don’t believe several are necessary.  One good one should do the trick.  The length of time is going to vary based on a few main things.

How sick you are.

How many fat reserves you have.

If you’re just a normal guy who is having some sexual issues, fasting is probably going to seem pretty extreme and in most cases is going to be unnecessary.  But if you’re suffering horrible side effects from pharmaceuticals or have a chronic condition, it’s going to be the way to go.

Below are some resources and information from the clinic that I used for this endeavor.  (fasting and Lymphoma) (fasting and high blood pressure) (fasting and moderate high blood pressure) (fasting mechanisms) (interview with Dr. Goldhamer) (tedx talk on the pleasure trap by Dr. Lisle) (fasting by Dr. Goldhamer) (TV show on fasting with Goldhamer and McDougall) (GQ article on fasting at TNHC)

If you do decide the fast is for you, you’re going to want to maintain all of the benefits of the fast by eating correctly afterwords.  Dietary choices are a major pillar of this program is dietary choices.  The correct diet dictates how healthy you can become.  It is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy mind and body.  You’re going to want to get this right…….
